Here's Blue Spark. You may call him Blue, or Spark, whatever suits you best. I will call him Blue. He's the newest addition to the family. We wont have him until mid September, but I'm already going nuts over this little guy, ask Dean. But can you really blame me?!
Hi, Meet Blue
Breaking Dawn Review
So I finished reading Breaking Dawn a few nights ago, and I'm pretty upset about all the hate SMeyer is getting for it.
I loved it.
You gotta admit that this was the ONLY way to make everyone happy... yes there weren't any fight scenes, and the Edward/Bella moments were cut, but so what? This story made they're whole life worthwhile. They all got what the wanted.
Besides, need I remind you this story is all fictional?!?! Stop hating on Nessie! I'm just happy Bella got to experience something she would not have had the option to after she turned. I even liked Bella in this book, she was much more mature.
Anyway.. just my 2 cents.
P.S - Reply to comment in previous post.: I love you too! So much, my Edward/Wolfe.... whatever you prefer. <3
Just so you know...
I've been waiting for this book for months!!! I know I don't post that often, but just in case you're wondering what I'll be doing for the next couple of days..
My Road Trip layout (See Below) won the Reminisce layout contest for their new amazing lines. I'm so excited, I'm still in shock :oP You can check out the official post here. I'll be back to post later, I'm speechless right now...
Reminisce Road Trip Layout
Here's my newest layout. I used the new cute road trip line from Reminisce. I had so much fun making this and reminiscing the great memories Dean and I shared during our trip to Amelia Island. I can't wait to scrapbook more of these pictures!
P.S - Sorry I haven't posted in a while Wy :oP
Celebration Pie Festival
Porche 911 Carrera . The only car that has captured my mind...
Celebration, oh come ON!!!!
Beer belly showing, face is glowing after readin Michio Kaku...
Dood, its awesome
Super Fly!!!1
My Michio Kaki
So, Celebration...Community of the riches, full of cultural events and life in European style. Simply, beauty. The Pie Festival was great. But since they were offering slices and not only samples, you got full instantly. From banana, apple, strawberry, raspberry, french silk, peach, lemon and many chocolate pies the only direction you can take s either the toilet kneeling or sitting down. Luckily we knew our limits: went for a walk and came back after. It was great except for the heat that gave our back a layer of moisture between the shirt and skin. Gross...
But we had fun...Did we baby? She says that we did!! You better believe her!!
New Weapon- Cannon Lens
As a employee of Radio Shack I get some privileges. Like 1st pick on the new stuff that arrives and a 10% on non-Radio Shack merchandise. Plus, I love Spring. What does that mean, when i comes to retail stores? Spring Clearance....YAY!!!! Cannon 75-300mm Lens on sale for $109.00... Usually $180 in retail but $249 SRP....
Here is the lense that comes with Canon XTi Rebel and the new one..You compare...
Original -Factory Lens....
New Lens
Climbing to the new level, Mari with her old Rebel,
with the new lens, everything now makes sense!!!
DAD Full Sail Graduation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Carrying Mari through City Walk is not an easy task. It requires balancing .
Ashley and Mari
You know who couldnt pull and you knwo who got wet...
Most of the class...Since they graduated, some people did not care if they were late for the picture..
If there was a Grad Mag she would be on the Front Page!!!
Advance Achiever( Neeeerd) giving out her farewell words to her fellow class man.
Familia Pietrosemoli
Milenkovic and Mari
21 months of crazy schedule, late night labs and intense project and curriculum. But Marianna went through it and came out like the champ. Advanced Achiever, Recipient of Directors Course Awards in Communications and Project Management as well as Award of Perfect Attendance and a Certificate of Excellence.
This is just a beginning in this crazy journey called life. But with such an accomplishment behind her she would go out and do great things..
P.S. Something else is p also..The website..
Ash and I in Full Sail's Backlot!
It took two years for me to give Ashley a tour of Full Sail. How crazy is that!??! Anyway we had a lot of fun.. Maybe we'll try a photo shoot or something here some day :PPumping gas at the fake gas station.
Freaked out in the ghetto.. When in doubt secure your purses!
I'm pretty sure she wishes that was an actual store..
If its too late to save your purses.. try to fit in.
My new place.. yeah right! I wish
BOK Sanctuary
Hi, its Dean. Ta-Da!!!!!! As you may have noticed Adam and Eve returned to the Garden of Eden. A gentleman was kind enough to offer to take a picture of us together after seeing us suffer trying to hold the 5 pound camera wih one hand and take a picture with a short selection of fingers. At least we will be featured in a Fort Myers magazine Weekly Vacation or something like that.
Genius at work. Two rebels trying to capture a moment in time. That is what Mari is about. Capturing memories...Hin -hint-Scrapbook
Itchy and Scratchy Show....Secret passage way to this perfect picture taking place...
After running down a hill...She thinks that she has won a Cup....
At the end of the day...Peace and Im OUT!!!!
No comment...
I give you my rib and you put barbecue sauce on it...
Baby don't "leaf"
Casting for Garden Security Guards..In front of Japanese Lantern....(Mirror image-not intended)
Beautiful Swan. Mari at her best...
Either way, we had lots and lots of fun, walking, sweating, laughing, touching snakes, almost feeding squirrels, taking pictures, seating through 35 minute "bell recital" ( Not Joshua Bell-see previous post) and eating food made by 80-year-olds...A little piece of Heaven on Earth and we have experienced it..Have you?!!!?
Joshua Bell Concert
Dean and I were able to attend Joshua Bell's Concert with the Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra. It was fun to see him and hear what he can do, the audience kept asking for more. He even did 3 more songs after the end of the concert, I guess you really cant say no to thousands of clapping hands :-)
Photography Class with Milton Heiberg
Wynett, Eeileen and I went to an Intermediate class held by Milton Heiberg. It was a lot of fun and I think we learned all we need to know to start playing with our cameras and become pros. Below are some of the pictures I took in the backyard. I can't wait to take his advance course!
Cool Room stuff
I was so excited to get this wall mount from Ikea. Dean and I put it up on my bedroom wall. It's not finished yet, but I think its a pretty cool concept. I really like how its turning out.Amy and Ryan gave me 2 of these silver racks from the yard sale. It was very nice of them... I love them! My stuffed animals look awesome on one of these!
Amy's Yard Sale
**Amy and I at her previous house's yard sale** - we were exhausted by now.. so please don't mind our appearance :-P
I'm glad I got to help Amy and Ryan during their yard sale today.. They had tons of fun stuff, including many Star Wars toys, and lots of nice furniture, some of it really hard to pass on. Really, if I had the space I would have totally gotten some for myself. It was fun though, I had never worked, or been at a yard sale before; so it was a really nice experience. But man, some people are CHEAP! We let Ryan do most of the pricing and all of the haggling. Apparently we're no good at that lol.
Overall, I'm always happy to help. Especially someone like Amy and Ryan, they deserve that and so much more.
Rock Climbing
Today Dean and I went rock climbing. It was, as most of the things we do, an interesting experience. We didn't take any climbing pictures cuz there were a lot of people and we were just starting out, but I promise some fun pictures next time we go (we got the "rock block" so we'll be going there again sometime soon. :-) )
We learned quite a few things today... one of them - things are not always as easy as they look.
I am SO happy I got to do this with my honey. It's a sport that I actually enjoy and am ok at it ;-P.
There's several challenges ahead of us, but whats life without them?
Things you gotta do at least once -
So I've been thinking, and there's just some things in life you got to experience - hence my pierced tragus :-P.
I'm going to start up a list here of these things/activities. I'll keep adding to them as I think of more :-). Don't worry, this list will not include doing drugs of any kind or smoking cigarettes, I'm strongly opposed to that.
Here we go -
- Go Skydiving
- Learn to drive a motorcycle
- Get a tattoo
- Go Zorbing
- TRY to snowboard
- Ski
- Climb a mountain - even a little one
- Swim with a dolphin - I've done this before but I want to do it again :-)
- Be a member of the audience in a TV show - how cool would that be?
- Learn to ballroom dance
- Go camping
- Scuba dive
- Run a marathon
Summer Lovin'
I LOVE this page, if I may say so myself :-P
I fell in love with this paper as soon as I saw it. It's as if a vision had come to my mind with some waves and some surfing penguins. Aren't they adorable?
I was so excited the whole time making this, just ask any of the croppers :-)
Crate Paper - Static
Made this sample layout for Scrappy Boutique using only ONE sheet of pattern paper (double sided).
This is one of the upcoming Crate Paper lines that Stacey ordered from CHA. When she asked for some single sheets so she could make a layout with a "coming soon" sign this is all she got! (It's the cool blue one and the creamy one)
So here's what I did with one sheet of pattern paper. Thanks for looking :-)
Pierced Tragus it is!
So I did it! I still can't believe it. Whoever knows me knows that this is a big deal for me lol. I just woke up one day and said.. I wanna pierce something, I figured its something that you just got to experience at least once in life (I got my ears pierced in the hospital a few days after i was born so those don't count) plus if I ever get tired of it I'll just take it out.
It was a very interesting experience. I mean, imagine me (dressed as above) walking in a tattoo place. funny sight isn't it? Anyway, Dean was with me the whole time and it was really nice to experience this with him. You're also probably wondering how bad it hurt; to be honest, it didn't. The guy kept asking me if I was ok, and I'm thinking "is he doing anything?" lol. I couldn't believe it wad over so fast! Hopefully it'll heal fast too, it feels kinda sore right now.
Now.. I gotta be honest, I'm not a fan of the ring its way bigger than anything I would want there lol, but in 6 weeks (I know it sounds like a long time but it'll go fast) I get to change it for a tiny little gem, I think it'll be super cute! Right on time for my graduation!
It was an overall fun-different night.. we went to the movies after I got this done and watched Jumper :-)