
Art Show - Full Sail

Me! I'm such a proud mama!

Close up of enigma

Sam and Patty showing off Sam's photography piece. That sure looks like a lot of work!
Sam won the show! I'm so proud of him, he did great!

Caleb and his "Distraction" piece. I really like this style.

Brian and his pirate animation. Its pretty funny... I love it!

Art show was so much fun! It was really cool to see people admiring my and my classmate's art. I'm really proud of all of us.

Ash's Birthday Present

This is something I put together for Ash's 20th birthday present. Everything is mounted on a medium white canvas. I wanted to make something cute and practical she could hang in her room and used daily. She really liked it, hope you do too! :-)



This is a piece I worked on today, I'm really happy with the way it turned out. It was my first attempt to do something like this. I would really like to make a series... we'll see.

The first image is the finished piece, the second image is what I started with. Hope you like it!