
Rock Climbing

Today Dean and I went rock climbing. It was, as most of the things we do, an interesting experience. We didn't take any climbing pictures cuz there were a lot of people and we were just starting out, but I promise some fun pictures next time we go (we got the "rock block" so we'll be going there again sometime soon. :-) )

We learned quite a few things today... one of them - things are not always as easy as they look.

I am SO happy I got to do this with my honey. It's a sport that I actually enjoy and am ok at it ;-P.

There's several challenges ahead of us, but whats life without them?


Unknown said...

I am glad that now we have a sport that we both suck in so that we can improve together.

Anonymous said...

Dean you are to funny.

one less of the list. Go Mari
